SLO 5 Care for Children of All Ages in the ED – cesr Pathway

SLO 5: Care for Children of All Ages in the ED – Pathway to Excellence

In the field of Emergency Medicine (EM), the care of children requires specialized knowledge, skills, and experience. The ability to assess and manage children across all stages of development—whether they are infants, toddlers, adolescents, or young adults—forms a crucial part of the Emergency Medicine training and expertise. The CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration) Portfolio Pathway is designed to evaluate and showcase this expertise. In this article, we will focus on SLO 5: Care for children of all ages in the Emergency Department (ED), at all stages of development, including children with complex needs.

SLO 5 is integral to a pediatric-focused Emergency Medicine practice, ensuring that doctors can handle a range of presentations from common to complex cases in pediatric emergency care. It also emphasizes the importance of early detection of both physical and psychological illnesses, and how to manage trauma, abuse, and medical complexities effectively. At CESR Portfolio, we help you build a robust portfolio that reflects your expertise in pediatric emergency care, guiding you through the steps toward successful certification.

Key Capabilities Under SLO 5

SLO 5 outlines the following key capabilities that specialists must demonstrate in the management of children and young adults in an ED:



Expert Assessment & Management

Expertise in assessing and managing children attending the ED, both physically and psychologically ill, including cases that may involve abuse.

Leadership in Paediatric Resuscitation

Ability to lead multidisciplinary teams during paediatric resuscitation, including trauma cases.

Assessment & Management of Complex Needs

Assessing and formulating management plans for children and young adults with complex medical and social needs.

These capabilities ensure that specialists in Emergency Medicine can not only treat a wide array of pediatric conditions but also lead teams effectively, especially in critical situations.

Detailed Breakdown of Key Capabilities

  1. Being an Expert in Assessing and Managing All Children and Young Adults in the ED

    • This involves having an in-depth understanding of the developmental stages and health conditions of children across different age groups.

    • You must be equipped to recognize the early signs of physical illnesses, psychological issues, and potential abuse in young patients. This requires sound clinical judgment and the ability to approach each case with sensitivity and accuracy.

  2. Leading Paediatric Resuscitation, Including Trauma

    • Leading a multidisciplinary team during a paediatric resuscitation involves high-pressure decision-making. Your role would include coordinating efforts between nurses, paramedics, and specialists to ensure the best outcome for the child.

    • This skill is crucial, as pediatric trauma and resuscitation can differ from adult cases in terms of the body’s response to injury, the use of medical equipment, and medication dosages.

  3. Managing Children with Complex Medical and Social Needs

    • Children and young adults with complex needs may have coexisting physical health problems, psychological issues, and social factors (e.g., family dysfunction, neglect, or abuse). These cases demand a comprehensive approach.

    • You need to be able to assess their immediate clinical needs, formulate appropriate management plans, and work with a multidisciplinary team to address social, psychological, and long-term health concerns.

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Suggested Evidence for SLO 5

To demonstrate your competencies in these areas, it’s essential to collect a variety of evidence as part of your CESR Portfolio. The following forms of evidence are recommended:

Evidence Type


FRCEM or Equivalent

If you do not hold a summative assessment like the FRCEM, you will need to provide evidence of completing objective assessments across a range of skills and knowledge.

Paediatric Reflective Case Histories

Reflect on your experiences with pediatric cases, detailing assessments, decisions, and outcomes.

Paediatric Related WPBAs (Workplace-Based Assessments)

WPBAs such as CbD, ESLE, Mini-CEX, and MSF allow you to demonstrate your clinical skills in real-life settings.

Assessment of Simulated Practice

Engage in simulation training for pediatric cases to show your ability to handle complex scenarios.

CbD (Case-based Discussion)

Case-based discussions help assess your understanding and management of pediatric cases.


Comprehensive assessment over a period to track your development and skills in pediatric emergency care.


Short, focused assessments that evaluate clinical decision-making, communication, and other skills.

MSF (Multi-Source Feedback)

Gathering feedback from peers, supervisors, and other healthcare professionals on your performance in pediatric care.

Tips for Building a Strong Portfolio for SLO 5

  1. Document a Broad Range of Paediatric Cases

    • Include cases that cover a wide spectrum of conditions: from common ailments like asthma and fevers to complex cases involving trauma, abuse, and developmental disorders. Show that you can manage both the physical and psychological aspects of pediatric care.

  2. Engage in Simulation Training

    • Participating in pediatric simulation scenarios will help you improve your decision-making skills, teamwork, and ability to handle resuscitation situations.

  3. Reflect on Your Cases

    • Reflecting on your pediatric cases and discussing them in your portfolio will provide insights into your clinical reasoning, decision-making, and ability to learn from real-world experiences.

  4. Incorporate Multidisciplinary Collaboration

    • Many pediatric cases involve teams of specialists, including pediatricians, social workers, psychologists, and trauma surgeons. Highlighting your experience in leading and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams is crucial.

  5. Seek Feedback

    • Consistently seek feedback from your peers, supervisors, and colleagues. Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) is a key component of your portfolio and will demonstrate your ability to work within teams and improve based on constructive feedback.

SLO 5 cesr Pathway

SLO 5 of the CESR Portfolio Pathway outlines essential capabilities for pediatric care in the ED, emphasizing the importance of both clinical knowledge and leadership in managing complex pediatric emergencies. It requires emergency medicine specialists to demonstrate a thorough understanding of pediatric care, including the ability to handle trauma, medical complexity, and psychological issues, including potential abuse.

At CESR Portfolio, we are experts in helping doctors navigate the pathway to certification in Emergency Medicine. Our comprehensive support includes guidance on collecting evidence, preparing for assessments, and reflecting on your clinical experience. Visit CESR Portfolio for expert advice and assistance in building a portfolio that showcases your skills in pediatric emergency care.

This blog post provides general information about cesr/ portfolio pathway. It isn't a substitute for the official gmc guidance. For more information, please refer to gmc Speciality specific guidance for portfolio pathway applications

For more information please refer to gmc Specialty specific guidance for Portfolio pathway applications

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